Ajax Update Div Every 5 Seconds

Ajax Update Div Every 5 Seconds

Hi everyone, firstly to call myself a noob would be inflating my ego. I have done one project in javascript so far and have had no schooling on the topic, however I have learned quite a lot in the last few months from this thing called the 'internet'. So far I managed to make an html image map that has various tooltips which will appear onmouseover, and the tooltip disappears onmouseout. Each point of coords that i have defined has a hyperlink to a different page on the internet.

Refresh content automatically after some period time. So to refresh page every 5 seconds our code. Basically you just nest div which you update with the one. The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the j. Script library; when you're done with the book, you should be able to complete basic tasks.

It works just like i wanted it to and i couldn't be happier, that is, when i'm using a mouse. When i am using a touchscreen device it is a different story. Specifically i'm trying to port my html page to android as i figured it would be easy with the android sdk and webview (it was, but read on). What i found when i used the 'app' on my phone was that onmouseover works when you touch the screen, however it also registers as a click, so pop goes the tooltip, and i'm whisked away to my webpage. Not the desired result. Ideally I would like to hold down the screen for 3 seconds and then the hyperlink would activate, but i decided that just getting the thing functional would suffice for the time beaing so i tried to include some 'ondblclick' that would trigger a document.location. This worked fine on a web browser again, but had no result on the touchscreen.

I decided to abandon this half step because I have read that ondblclick doesn't work in an image map and it isn't my intended result anyway. I have found a lot of javascript and jquery samples that emulate the onHold event that i'm trying to achieve, both on this forum and all over the internet, however these samples are overly complex and are focused on looping an action, such as incrementally increasing a value or zooming or whatever. I just want to redirect the user to another page if they trigger 'onmousedown' for 3 seconds. Anybody want to trade some help for a thankyou?

Ajax Update Div Every 5 Seconds

This is my dilemma and I am not sure if I am handling the right way, so please suggest a new way or provide a valid answer so that I may achieve my goal. Thanks in advance for your help in solving this matter. In short I have a single 'A.html' page that uses AJAX to reload in 'B.php' into a every second and 'C.php' into another with no reloading. The code in B. Battleship Tamil Dubbed Movie Download on this page. php generates a random number between 1 and 100. If the number generated is less than 10, I want to refresh its content. I have tried a number of tricks, I could not find anything in jQuery so if there is please point me to the correct function calls. Know why does window.open take atlst 2-3 seconds, only to open even a simple blank page?

In my code, i load a page on window.open and increament a counter. But it takes 2-3 seconds and in meantime user is closing new opened window, so counter val is not correct. I cannt stop user from closing new window when it is loading, which is long given what it is doing-- see sample here from Microsoft site - simple window open taking 2-3 secs. Looks to be long.

Thank in advance.

Requirements: We need a ajax solution that will update areas with unique ID's on a HTML page every 30 seonds. We need the script to also compare DATE1 and DATE2 and update to say if they are same or different FILENAME OF SERVER: [url removed, login to view] (This is updated VIA crotbab every 30 seconds) FORMAT OF DATA FILE: (DIV_ID, AMOUNT, DATE1, DATE2) the double pipe indicates the next DIV to be updated Data File Example.

10407,5.00,2016-04-25 00:-04-25 00:38:00 10406,-04-25 00:-04-25 00:47:30 10405,-04-25 00:-04-25 00:37:00 HTML PAGE AMOUNT: $ 5.00 DATE & TIME: SAME AMOUNT: $ 35.00 DATE & TIME: DIFFERENT AMOUNT: $ 15. Datacolor Spyder4elite Serial Number. 00 DATE & TIME: SAME Skills:, See more:,,,,,,,.