Buddha In Daily Life Pdf Viewer

Buddha In Daily Life Pdf Viewer

The is not a mere collection of words, it is clearly something which has to do with experience. For some people though, Buddhism and Buddha Dharma has to do with a collection of knowledge, but if it remains at this level, there is a deep lack.

As the root of the Buddha's teachings have to be applied in every single moment our dualistic mind is functioning. Well, until we are realizing, our mind is working dualistically, which means that we have to apply the Buddha Dharma in every single moment of our life.

You may think that there are many moments in daily life which have nothing to do whatsoever with the dharma, but this is an incorrect concept; the dharma can be applied in every moment of our life. Whatever funny or strange moment you may think at, saying 'Oh, this has nothing to do with dharma', if you are analysing it a little bit, then you will find that at one level or another, the dharma can be applied. Dharma has somehow the power or ability to transform everything from whatever gross state into something spiritual, depending on our motivation. And here is one of the key words: motivation.

The Daily Life of Buddhist. The first actual Buddha images appeared around the first century BCE, so until then the artwork was largely symbolic in nature.

Buddha In Daily Life Pdf Viewer

As often as possible, it is important to have a meditation about what is our motivation. What is our goal? What do we want to do with our life? What do we expect to achieve within this life? And since we belong to the tradition, our right motivation has to be to benefit others. So, everything that we are doing, thinking, has to be directed towards the benefit of others. This might be our deepest thought, wish, goal: How to benefit others.

It does not mean that we have to forget our own interests, our life, it does not mean that we have to neglect our body or our life, it just means that we have to think about our body and our health with the right motivation. And with that motivation, every single moment can be transformed into something wonderful. This afternoon I was taking the example of 'taking a shower'. It seems to be a very common thing, and we may not think about what we are doing while taking a shower. While cleaning our body, we may think about a thousand other things. Channel Playout Software Xp.

Camera Software For Nokia N95 Download. Yet, if we analyse the action of cleaning our body, and if we transform it in the right way, it can become a practice: While the soap is taking out the dust from our body, we can generate in our mind the wish to clean the mind from its delusions in the same way, then this thought is completely transforming the situation. It sounds perhaps funny, but this is really something which is effective, because it really plants the seeds to actually purify the negativity in our mind. And the meal is a wonderful moment for the practice. It is a way to meditate both on attachment and on Bodhicitta at the same time. Tubular Bells Wav Free Download on this page.

When you are in front of your meal, according to what is in your plate, there are a lot of conceptions that arise, either attachment or aversion [towards what is in front of you], and this is the right moment to think about and to meditate upon that. And at the same time, you have to ask yourself why you are eating, why you are maintaining your body in good health. Well, we are talking here about good health, this is in case you are eating good food. And the right motivation to take the meal, to keep the body in good health, has to be in order to practice more, in order to develop your mind, and with the final idea, the final goal, to be able to help more. With such a motivation we are not eating any more in order to increase our attachment to food, but we are eating in order to benefit others. [First of all], it is important to keep in mind the Six, because in many moments of our days we will be able to emphasize more on one of the. From the morning, when we are opening our eyes, it is good to have a meditation, even if it is a short one, in order to give the day the right orientation, the right impulse to the day, and to take the right decision that we will do our best in order to apply the dharma teachings.