Digimon World Dawn Ds Cheat Codes
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Digimon World: Dawn for Nintendo DS. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.

Mar 15, 2017 Digimon World: Dawn Cheats Edit Page Last Edit: March 15, 2017 - 8 months 5 days ago This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Digimon World: Dawn for Nintendo DS. Computer Hacking Books Free Download Pdf Nvidia Nvs 4200m Driver Dell Latitude E6520. more.

Raising Aptitude When you degenerate a Digimon, Aptitude is added to it. This raises the level limit of the given Digimon that was degenerated, although the level limit raising fluctuates based on the Digimon type. This will allow you to level-up your Digimon to higher levels, thus making them much more powerful.
Silent Digimon From time to time, on the top screen of your DS, a Digimon will talk about any given item in your farm. However, sometimes they appear on-screen to say something, but end up saying nothing at all.
A glitch, perhaps? Cheat List Send these following passwords to Valkyrimon inside the DigiColiseum: • 02619020 - Obtain Legend Sword, Legend Robe, and Legend Ring • 19970628 - Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotAgumon • 70307991 - Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotShineGreymon • 82607991 - Obtain 100% Scan Data for Numemon.
Win Downloads on this page. Go to digicoliseum then talk to valkeirymon(the counter that has only three digimon)and type the following Password: Effect: 19970628 100% Scan Data for dot agumon 70307991 100% Scan Data for ds greymon 82607991 100% Scan Data for numemon 02619020 type this for a legend sword, sheild and ring ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================ on this side onwards its jus hints jus listen to me!!