Drivers For Dell Dimension 4550 Ethernet Adapter
Drivers for the 4550 below. There are 2 possible drivers listed under Network - the second one (Broadcom NetXTreme, R56237), and the last one (Intel 10/100 LOM (R52043). The rest are either utilities, or drivers for routers or USB accessories that don't apply. If you enter the service tag for the PC on the page, it hopefully will list ONLY the hardware that was originally installed, but not always: To get the driver onto the 4550: Download the file on a working PC, but DO NOT select the Dell Download Manager. Choose the second 'Internet Browser' option. Cummins Diesel Engine Diagnostic Software on this page. Then use a flash drive or CD to copy the file to the 4550 and install it.
Aug 07, 2012 Do any geniuses out there know if its possible to install a full wireless network adapter to a Dell Dimension 4550 desktop? Or would a Wireless N USB network adapter. Get drivers and downloads for your Dell Dimension 4550. Download and install the latest drivers, firmware and software.