Installer Linux Mint

The latest version of Linux Mint is out and it's a major improvement over the previous releases (see my recent review). Linux Mint developers do a lot of additional work, on top of its Ubuntu base, which leaves users with comparatively less work to do after installation. For example, Linux Mint comes. This tutorial will guide you on how to install Linux Mint 18.3 in dual-boot with a variant Microsoft Operating System, such as Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 with UEFI. Even though it's an Ubuntu-based system, Linux Mint features only one panel at the bottom which looks closer to the taskbar in the traditional Windows system, and a well-organized start menu complete with a useful Search box. Upon installation, you can opt for some proprietary software such as necessary media codecs.
Oracle's VirtualBox is one of the prevalent solutions for creating a. It has versions for all modern operating systems, and it's free and open source.

In this guide, we will install VirtualBox in Linux Mint and Ubuntu, both through the respective software managers and from Oracle, to create all kinds of virtual machines. We wrote this guide on Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon and Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS. It should work on recent earlier and later versions too. If you run into any problems, leave us a comment. Sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y A reminder for the Linux newbies: when typing our password after 'sudo,' nothing will show on the terminal, no dots or stars. We just enter our account's password and press Enter.
Once the installation is over, you will be presented with the option to keep trying live version or to restart the system. And that would be it. On next boot, you will see the option of Linux Mint on the grub screen. And thus you can enjoy the beautiful and beginner-friendly Linux distribution.
If you don't like this default behavior, here's how to change it: How to install VirtualBox through the software manager The easiest way to install VirtualBox is through the software manager. For Ubuntu, it is the Ubuntu Software. For Linux Mint, it is the Software Manager. The downside with this method is that we won't be getting the very latest version of VirtualBox. How to install VirtualBox through the Ubuntu Software In Ubuntu, we click on the Ubuntu Software icon and type 'VirtualBox' on the search bar. We then click on Install Virtualbox.and enter our account's password to authenticate the installation.
A progress bar on the sidebar icon will show the installation progress. Once the installer finishes, the icon on the sidebar will remain. We can start VirtualBox from there, or search for it on the dash. As of this writing, Ubuntu Software will install VirtualBox version 5.0.40. How to install VirtualBox through the Linux Mint Software Manager In Linux Mint, we will find the Software Manager in the administration section of the main menu. Clockworkmod Recovery Vodafone Smart 2 Download. In this case, we need to enter the account's password beforehand.
Searching for VirtualBox will return a bunch of results. How To Install Player Mods Gta San Andreas on this page. We double-click the plain Virtualbox option. After that, we just need to click install. Once the installation finishes - it should take less than a minute on most systems - we will find VirtualBox at the Accessories section of the menu. Particular types of virtual machines might need one or more of the extra VirtualBox options. For most users, however, it's enough only to install VirtualBox. As of this writing, the Linux Mint software manager will install version 5.0.40 of VirtualBox, the same as with Ubuntu.