Macbeth Characters

Macbeth Characters

Duncan, King of Scotland A kindly and trusting older man, Duncan's unsuspecting nature leaves him open to Macbeth's betrayal. Both before and after the regicide, it is Duncan's particularly virtuous nature that enhances Macbeth's sense of guilt. The historic Duncan, incidentally, was a young man when he was betrayed by his general Macbeth. Aadhar Card Download By Only Enrolment Number here. Malcolm and Donalbain, Duncan's sons Although Malcolm and Donalbain seem to have inherited Duncan's fairness, both display a cunning that far surpasses their father.

Analysis and discussion of characters in William Shakespeare's Macbeth. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's most intense villains. He's a multifaceted character, who is based on a well-known (in Shakespeare's time) earlier iteration.

After Duncan's death, they fear for their lives rightly and both flee Scotland. Malcolm also tests Macduff's loyalty whilst abroad by putting on dishonorable and corrupt airs. Such cunning, or shrewdness, allows for their successful return to the crown of Scotland. Macbeth, Thane of Glamis Macbeth is a general in the king's army and originally the Thane of Glamis. As a reward for his valiant fighting, described in the opening scene, Macbeth is also named the Thane of Cawdor. Appropriately, the former Thane of Cawdor was a traitor to the crown who appeared loyal. Anthony Joseph Md Orange City Fl. At heart, Macbeth does not deserve the adjective 'evil.'