Oracle Bi Server Odbc Driver Download

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18/27 8 Integrating Other Clients with Oracle Business Intelligence You can connect to the Oracle BI Server with a wide variety of ODBC-compliant query and reporting tools, as well as other clients such as remote Administration Tool clients. Dreamcast Isos there. To connect with a remote client, you configure an ODBC DSN for the Oracle BI Server on the remote client computer, and then use that DSN to connect to a repository from the query tool. Oracle BI Presentation Services clients also connect to the Oracle BI Server using an ODBC DSN. A default ODBC DSN for Presentation Services is created and configured for you during Oracle Business Intelligence installation. Administration Tool clients on the same host as a Presentation Services instance can also use the default DSN to connect to the Oracle BI Server. Or, you can create a separate DSN for the Administration Tool to use.

The connection parameters for the Cluster Controller in the default DSN are centrally managed by Fusion Middleware Control. Do not update these parameters. If you attempt to manually update the centrally managed parameters, the values will be overwritten the next time the system is started. In addition, do not change the name of the centrally managed default DSN.

The default DSN has a name similar to 'coreapplication_OH id_number,' where id_number is a number specific to an installed Oracle home. This chapter explains how you can integrate with the Oracle BI Server as a data source using ODBC on both Windows and UNIX platforms. This chapter includes the following topics: • • • •.

8.1 About Integrating with the Oracle BI Server as a Data Source Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an industry standard interface for connecting to databases. A Data Source Name (DSN) is used to store the information about connecting to a given database as a given database user over ODBC. You use the Oracle BI Server ODBC driver to configure a DSN to connect to a set of clustered Oracle BI Servers through the Cluster Controllers, or to an individual Oracle BI Server.