Program De Scris Pentru Copii Ef

VERBUL(The Verb) DEFINITIE(Definition).Verbul este partea de vorbire care exprima o actiune, o stare, un proces, manifestarea sau modificarea unei insusiri, o atitudine, avand forme gramaticale caracteristice determinate de aspect, diateza, mod, timp, persoana si numar, si indeplinind functia sintactica de predicat. CLASIFICARE(Classification) I. Josh Blue Sticky Change Download Path.

Program De Scris Pentru Copii Ef

Din punctul de vedere al structurii morfologice exista verbe: 1. Simple -e.g.:to go(a merge); 2. Compuse -e.g.:to broadcast(a transmite),to side-track(a gara); particula adverbiala-e.g.:to agree with(a fi de acord cu); 4.formate prin derivare a)cu prefixe-e.g.: en-to enricle(a incercui); un-to unlock(a descuia); over-to overthrow(a rasturna); with-to withdraw(a se retrage); b) cu sufixe-e.g.:-en to deepen(a se adanci); -fy-to terify(a ingrozi); -ize-to caracterize(a caracteriza); 5. Cu prepozitie obligatori e-e.g.:to listen to(a asculta); 6.

Program De Scris

Reguli Exemple Articolul hotarat: - se aseaza inaintea substantivului the table - masa pe care i1 determina; -are aceeasi forma,indiferent de genul, the man - barbatul cazul si numarul substantivului pe care the woman - femeia il determina; -se articuleaza cu articol hotarat substan­tivele on the table - pe masa precedate de o prepozitie. In the classroom -in clasa 1.Traduceti in limba engleza: 1.Toti baietii sunt acolo. 2.Da-mi, te rog, sarea. 3.Familia este jos, la parter.4.Unde este cartea?5.El este la biblioteca.6.Soarele rasare din est.

Program De Scris Pentru Copii Inghetata De Banane Plus acces exclusiv la concursuri si materiale. Visele despre copii mici ne ofera accesul la copilul din noi. Nov 13, 2013 Un program menit sa apropie copiii de activitatile de citit si scris. Cu drag, prin joc si voie buna! Software educaţional multimedia interactiv pentru.

2.Completati spatiile libere cu articolul potrivit: 1.Do you play.piano?2.He doesn't like goose but he find.goose you have at your dinner delicious. CONSTRUCTIILE 'THERE IS', 'THERE ARE' (There is, There are) Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ (Negativ) there is there is not is there (not)?

There are there are not are there (not)? Forme contrase There's not(there isn't),(there're not) Isn't there?

There's,there're (there aren't) aren't there? Aceste constructii se aseaza inaintea subiectului logic al propozitiei, pe care il anticipeaza si cu care se acorda in numar. Exemple: There is a blackboard in the classroom.- ­Exista o tabla in clasa. Liar Liar Soundtrack Download Free Cris Cab Tour there. There are many desks in the classroom.-­Exista multe pupitre in clasa. 1.Completati spatiile libere cu forme ale verbului 'to be': 1.There a lot of exercise - books on the desks.

There a blackboard in the classroom. There a lot of pictures on the walls. There a table in the classroom. There a lot of things in this room.

There pens and pencils on the desks. A map on the wall.

There a lot of desks in the classroom. There a fountain - pen on the desk. There a lot of chairs in the classroom. 2.Raspundeti la intrebari, conform modelului: Model: Is there a bookcase in the classroom? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Are there many desks in the classroom?

Yes, there are. No, there aren't. Is there a blackboard in the classroom?

Is there a book on the desk? Are there many students in the classroom? Is there a picture on the wall? Is there a table in the classroom? Are there many chairs in the classroom? Are there pens and pencils on the desks? Is there a black fountain - pen on the table?

3.Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform modelului: Yes, it is. No, it isn't. It's an office. Is this a pen (fountain - pen)? Is this the floor (ceiling)? Is this a desk (table)?

Is this a closed window (open window)? Is this a book (exercise- book)? Is this a red pencil (green pencil)? PRONUMELE SI ADJECTIVELE DEMONSTRATIVE (Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives) Pronumele Demonstrative Adjectivele Demonstrative This is a door. - Aceasta este o usa. This door is open. - Aceasta usa este deschisa.