Qt Meta Object Compiler Installation

Build instructions Build instructions [ ] This page describes shortly how to build the Mesh Viewer from source on Unix and Windows systems. It is assumed that all required libraries are already installed. • Unpack the source code • Change to the source directory and depending on the Mesh Viewer version you want to build execute 'make': • 'make GLUT' for building the GLUT version of Mesh Viewer • 'make QT3' for building the Qt 3 version of Mesh Viewer • 'make QT4' for building the Qt 4 version of Mesh Viewer In case the compiler or linker could not find certain include files or libraries, you may need to edit the first lines of the Makefile. 'QTDIR' specifies the Qt base directory, which includes sub directories with Qt includes files and Qt tools such as the Qt meta object compiler (moc). 'INCPATH' and 'LIBPATH' specify where compiler and linker search for include and library files, respectively. This is a description on how to build Mesh Viewer with Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 and Qt 3.
• Unpack the source code • Generate the Qt meta object source code, which is required for the Qt signal/slot mechanism to work, with the meta object compiler (moc). Moc is located in the bin directory of your Qt installation, e.g.
Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Adobe Cross Compiling Qt. Applications for the Raspberry Pi. Instead, the Qt. How to setup Qt Creator to compile. Its role is to handle Qt's extension within the C++ code to offer introspection and enable reflection for Qt Signals and Slots, and for QML. Ayla Figlia Della Terra Pdf Editor. The fact that your code is also read by another tool than the compiler does not make it less C++. The API and usability of the Qt meta object macro helps.
Generate the moc source code for the following four header files: • mview.h • viewpointdialog.h • coordinates.h • glmesh.h Example: moc mview.h >mview.moc.cpp • Create a new 'Windows' project with MS Visual C++ • Add the Mesh Viewer source code (cpp files from the directories qt3, mesh and mathvector) and generated moc files to the project. Do not add the files in the glut and qt4 directories.
• Set the following C/C++ compiler options: • Add the location of your Qt 3 include files to the include directories • Add 'WIN32' to the preprocessor definitions (should be standard) • Disable precompiled headers • Set the following linker options: • Add the following libraries to the input libraries (Additional Dependencies): From the MS Visual Studio Platform SDK: • OpenGL32.Lib • Glu32. Download Maria Schneider Orchestra Rapidshare Free. Lib These libraries are located in. Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 Vc7 PlatformSDK Lib From Qt 3: • qt-mt3.lib • qtmain.lib • Ignore the 'msvcrt' library • Set 'SubSystem' to 'Windows'.