Samsung Mtp Usb Device Driver Windows 7 X64

May 03, 2015 samsung mobile mtp device failed to load driver. You should try downloading the Samsung USB drivers from this page. MS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. This is the SAMSUNG Android USB Device Driver version SAMSUNG Android USB Driver for Windows. Ac Motor Driver Circuit. Next HTC MTP Device Driver Win 7.

I finally fixed the dreaded MTP device error (code 10 error - device cannot start) with Samsung galaxy android version 2.1. I have been trying to connect to Kies since December and tried everything posted in all the forums to no avail.
I called Samsung and they told me they can't help me, and I have to send the phone back for repair. Here is their logic - since I could not connect to Kies on several computers, it must be the phone.
So far I have installed and uninstalled Kies a million times (seems like it anyway) and used 3 versions of Kies with all versions of windows available to me. Finally, yesterday I managed to upgrade to Froyo with the latest Kies (Feb 8, 2011 version) The phone now connects to KIES in pcs with windows xp, windows 7-32bit and 7-64 bit. THis is how I solved it to save you all the agony and the cursing. Note: I used windows xp since XP will allow you to manipulate files in system folders. First, leave the phone connected to the PC. Uninstall the MTP device from device manager. Unplug the phone from the usb cable.
Go to c: windows system32 drivers and rename wudfrd.sys and winusb.sys to wudfrd1.sys and winusb1.sys repspectively. DO NOT delete them, you will need them again. Replug the phone. (assuming you chose to connect to PC in Samsung Kies mode) 4. THe computer will try to install MTP and will fail because it cannot find the 2 files above. Go to device Manager, select the MTP device, choose Driver tab, then update drivers and choose specific location for the driver.
Picked any folder in c: Program Files Samsung USB drivers. (actually I tried all of them.
Acer T4300 Drivers there. But I think just one is enough). Again the update will fail but this time the code is different (I think code 28).
Go back to c: windows system32 driver and rename the 2 files back to it's original names. Go back to device manager and now update the drivers. This time choose recommended method. This time, windows will update the MTP device with a fresh reinstall, 8. Right click on MTP device and choose enable (if it is disabled), and this time the phone should connect to Kies.
9.Kies will now tell you there is an update available. Update right away - choose yes to update to Froyo 2.2 That's it. My guess of what happened is, somehow in the initial install of Kies, and plugging in an android 2.1 phone, the drivers got corrupted and the only way to get windows to reinstall those USB drivers from scratch is to force it to release the corrupted files first. So after my phone was upgraded to Froyo (2.2), the phone now connects to previously failed Kies connection in pcs with windows 7 (32bit and 64 bit) without having to reinstall Kies on those computers.
I hope this works for you coz froyo definitely improves the functionality of the phone - youtube, better control of bluetooth devices, etc. Click to expand.I have a win 7 pc also, what I did for this phone is change it to media player mode in the usb settings, it installed the drivers correctly right away and I haven't noticed any problem with it on the phone.(although I did only put songs on the external sd card and not the internal) If you want to do this you just go to settings in the phone and to 'about phone' at the bottom, then just change the 'usb setting' to media player. Didn't try any others as this worked for me. Hope this helps and if this may cause an issue on my phone please let me know. I must have wasted a day or two on and off idly trawling the Internet looking for solutions: Windows XP SP3, Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 with 3.2, latest Kies, and latest everything else. This thread led me to a solution but all I did was reinstall Windows Media, connect the Tab again and, boomph, it worked first time.