Dave Pelz Short Game Pdf

New Jack Swing Gold Rarity. Dave Pelz'sShort Game Master the Finesse Swing and Lower Your Score DAVE PELZ with James A. Frank BROADWAY BOOKS NEW YORK Bible L '9 BROADWAY DAVE PELZ '. Golf - Dave Pelz's Short Game Bible.pdf - Google Drive.

It’s only logical that we all work hard to hit our approach shots as close to the hole as possible. The closer the ball is to the hole the better chance we have to not only make the putt, but to also avoid 3 putting. Despite our best efforts, in almost every round you play you are going to have one or more putts of 40 feet or more. These situations can quickly result in you taking more than 2 putts to get the ball in the hole and before you know it you have unnecessarily thrown away strokes. In this skills test we are going to look at your ability to get the ball close to the hole, or even make the putt, from more that 40 feet. If you are able to get down in no more than two putts from this length, you will keep your round on track and you’ll be on your way to a lower score.
Try the skills test below to see how good you are at these distances. If you score worse than you believe you should then you probably need to spend more time working on this area of your putting. You will also probably need to talk with your golf coach to figure out any technical reasons why these putts are giving you trouble.
If you're familiar with my philosophies, you know how seriously I take the scoring game, and how important it is to your overall score. My research on putting and wedge play is now stretching into its fourth decade, so that's the area where I can help you the most. Of course, there isn't enough room here to cover everything I've discovered in more than 30 yearswe'll save that for future issues of GOLF Magazine. (Look for the new 'Pelz Files' beginning in September.) What you can learn right now, however, are the must-have elements of creating Tour-like touch from 100 yards and in. It's the same information I give to students in my Scoring Game Schools, and it can help you, too. It's your bad shots and weaknessesnot your strengthsthat largely determine your scores. Take what I know, make it your own, and turn 2006 into your best season ever.