Escritos Paulinos Pdf Printer

[Ron: IF you believe this propaganda you will THINK that it was non-Jews (ie ' leading British policy makers') thought up Zionism. WHY would they do that? Why would gentiles dream about creating a homeland for Khazars in Palestine? AND why would they scheme to dupe, coerce and threaten Jews to go there?

Escritos Paulinos Pdf PrinterEscritos Paulinos Pdf Printers

WHY go to all that trouble to steal Palestine from its ancestral inhabitants and then force Jews to go there? Why would that result appeal to non-Jews in Britain and why was it sooo important to them that they plotted and schemed to create WWII in order to force German and european jews to gi there to keep ' a few Hassidic elements in Eastern Europe' company there? That's bloody unlikely if you ask me. Far more likely is that the Rothschilds and their bankster brethren wanted a sovereign national base for their criminal activities and so they manipulated and F ORCED 'leading British (PUPPET) policy makers' to organise the British, Amerikkan and Soviet empires to do the job FOR them. WHY does this author pretend that such a scenario was not pursued?]. ' Says Sidonia (Rothschild): 'All is race, there is no other truth'.' German historian Volker Koop says that the S.S.

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Kidnapped thousands of children from occupied lands and murdered those that racial 'experts' back in the Reich deemed 'unfit for Germanisation'. Disraeli and the Zionists only liked certain elite 'Jews'. 'Zionist novels and propaganda have from early times been filled with characterizations of Diaspora Jews as 'living in filth,' 'one big hunchback,' 'filthy dogs,' 'parasites,' 'harlots,' and 'worms. Saga Tribute To Skrewdriver Blogspot. ' [Ron: General George Patton had similar impressions of the Jews. [Ron: Those 'Biggest British Racists' were either of 'Jewish' extraction or Talmudic gentile lackeys of the Jews. Any suggestion that they were 'racists' because they supported Hitler et al is specious.

Arguably there can be no one more 'racist' than Talmudists who believe that ALL non-Jews are beasts to be used, abused and killed at whim by Jews. 'When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him 'Isi' (Izzy), a name with a Jewish connotation.