Great Cracks

A series of huge cracks etchedacross crater basins on Mars were caused by lakes that have since evaporated, anew study concludes. The cracks were initiallythought to have been merely a byproduct of thermal contractions in the Martianpermafrost. But a closer examination revealed the cracks were too big for thatexplanation. Cracks caused by thermal contraction have a maximum diameter ofroughly 213 feet (65 meters), according to analytical models.??They resembled the desiccationcracks that we see on Earth in dried up lakes, said M. Ramy El Maarry of theMax Planck Institute for Solar System Research.?These are the same type ofpatterns you see when mud dries out in your back yard, but the stresses thatbuild up when liquids evaporate can cause deep cracks and polygons on the scaleI was seeing in the craters.? The average diameter of thecracks in the survey was between 230 and 460 feet (70 to 140 meters).?When a meteorite impacts withthe Martian surface, the heat can melt ice trapped beneath the Martian crustand create what we call a hydrothermal system.

Great Back Cracks

Liquid water can fill the craterto forma lake, covered in a thick layer of ice. Even under current climaticconditions, this may take many thousands of years to disappear, finallyresulting in the desiccation patterns,? Explained El Maarry. It had been estimated that Marswas covered in between 4.6 and 3.8 billion years ago. Andriver water would have collected inside impact crater basins and formed lakesthat may have existed for several thousand years before drying out.

However, these latest findingssuggest that in the northern hemisphere, some of the crater floor cracks couldhave been formed much more recently. Cracks on the crater floor wereidentified using images taken by the MOC camera on Mars Global Surveyor and theHiRISE and Context cameras on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Teori Kepribadian Mulia Pdf To Excel on this page. The findings werepresented today at the European Planetary Science Congress.

Correction: Due to an error in press materials provided by the European Planetary Science Congress Press Office, we incorrectly reported the lake-bed cracks to have an average diameter of 70-140 kilometers. The figure has been corrected to 70-140 meters.

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