Morrowind For Love Or Money Mods

Something I am curious about: Are there any mods (for either game) that replace the leveling system with something bizarre? Here is what I *don't* want: * I don't want something similar to the default leveling system. * I don't want one where you gain stats depending on the skills you use. Download Game Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix For Pcsx2 Settings For Ffx here. * I don't want one that replaces the leveling system with an XP system. Rather, I am looking for more unusual mods. Like, maybe having which stats increase be totally random, or have stats grow with completed quests or treasure obtained, or get stats based off which items and spells you have equipped, or gain stats based off the enemies you kill, or something more bizarre. Any mods like this out there? Driver Gadmei Utv330 Win Xp.
(Joke mods are OK if they are labeled as such and primarily affect the game's leveling system.). Dtgreene: Something I am curious about: Are there any mods (for either game) that replace the leveling system with something bizarre? Here is what I *don't* want: * I don't want something similar to the default leveling system. * I don't want one where you gain stats depending on the skills you use. * I don't want one that replaces the leveling system with an XP system. Rather, I am looking for more unusual mods. Like, maybe having which stats increase be totally random, or have stats grow with completed quests or treasure obtained, or get stats based off which items and spells you have equipped, or gain stats based off the enemies you kill, or something more bizarre.
Any mods like this out there? (Joke mods are OK if they are labeled as such and primarily affect the game's leveling system.) Oblivion has a dreadful level up system where you need avoid levelling up some major skills while you grind on others in order to get your +5 in certain traits (strength, intelligence, willpower, etc) at level up. This is really distracting and annoying. Trial By Fire By Jo Davis Epub Reader on this page. I used the mod 'All+5AttributesModifiers' by Falconhurst worked really well and I recommend it. Also try Soul Gem The NiceOne. This allows you to completely fill a soul gem that has a small soul in it. Eg: If you have a Grand soul gem with a petty soul in it, if you capture a, say, common soul, it will go into the grand soul gem next to the petty soul.
It takes 5 greater souls to fill a Grand soul gem. Not sure how many mud crabs you'd need for that! Dtgreene: Rather, I am looking for more unusual mods. Like, maybe having which stats increase be totally random, or have stats grow with completed quests or treasure obtained, or get stats based off which items and spells you have equipped, or gain stats based off the enemies you kill, or something more bizarre. Nothing like that exists. There is one thats a super cheat of sorts where you and are frozen in time But if you truly want the best leveling mod to get rid of the craziness thats is Oblivion then is it.
Nothing better, and as you requested this mod adds a few features you might like ^_^. Starkrun: Nothing like that exists. There is one thats a super cheat of sorts where you and are frozen in time That mod does seem like an interesting idea. The idea of using potions to level up stats actually reminds me of SaGa 1 and 3 (specifically, human leveling in SaGa 1 and robot leveling in original SaGa 3); just lower the cost of stat up potions and have it be the primary method of stat growth. It might be interesting to have a mod that does that, but keeps skill leveling the way it is. Weird thought: Could a mod be made that gave the player an ability to copy an NPC's stat and skill list, and make it the *only* method of getting stronger (and perhaps weaker)?