How To Install Windows 95 Using Cds

How To Install Windows 95 Using Cds

Installing Windows 95 Installing Windows 95/98 on a new empty hard disk. To install Windows on an new computer with an empty hard disk the following steps are required: • • • • • If Windows is to be installed onto a brand new hard disk which has never before been used, then hard disk must be before it can be used.

Because a computer with an empty hard disk will not boot up (as there is no operating system on the hard disk), before you can begin to install Windows 95 or Windows 98 on a empty machine you will need to create a special boot floppy that can be used to start up the new computer. You must create this disk on another working Window 95 or Windows 98 computer. This disk can be created by the following four steps. • • • • 1 To start an MSDOS window Choose MS-DOS prompt from the start menu or choose ‘RUN’ from the start menu and then enter the filename ‘command’ as the program to be run.: A bootable floppy disk can created from the MS-DOS prompt by either of the following two commands: • Sys a: (This command will add system files to a floppy without destroying existing data) • Format a:/s (This command will wipe out any data already on the floppy disk.) The following MSDOS utility programs will be needed and must be copied onto the disk. As a minimum you should have at least: • Fdisk.exe • • • Edit.dat • mscdex.exe. These utility files can be usually be found in the c: windows command folder on the hard disk of any windows 95/98 computer.

It is important to note however that you should only use the utility files from the same computer that you used to make up the boot disks. Utility files from other version of the same operating system may not work. These files can be coped with the MSDOS commands Copy c: windows command fdisk.exe a: *.* Copy c: windows command a: *. Cisco Packet Tracer Examples Downloadable Order. * Copy c: windows command a: *.* Copy c: windows command edit.hlp a: *.* Copy c: windows command mscdex.exe a: *.* The boot disk will need a device driver file that matches your CD-ROM.

Serial Xcad 2008 Professionalism. In Windows 9. I remove or edit password list files? Note: UITS recommends that you use a current version. Windows on computers connected to the Indiana. Bootable Windows 95 CD. I'd take a little nostalgia trip and install Windows 95 on it. A couple of places on the net that offer boot-able Windows 95 CDs.

These files can be different for each make and model of CD-ROM. However usually modern CD-ROMs can work with any ATAPI standard driver.

If you did not get a device driver file with your CD-ROM you can usually get a compatible one from another machine. The name of the CDROM device driver can vary. However they will always have the file extension.SYS. For example NECIDE.SYS or ATAPI_CD.SYS If this file was found on the root disk of a machine for example it could be copied to the floppy disk with the command Copy c: ATAPI_CD. Introducing Imx Rapidshare Library. SYS a: To enable the CD-ROM you must load the device driver for the CDROM and then run the Microsoft CD ROM extension patch ‘MSCDEX.EXE’. To do this create a text file called ‘Config.sys’ in the root folder of the floppy disk by typing in the command: Edit a: config.sys Enter a line to load the device driver in the editor. This line will look like: Device=ATAPI_CD.SYS/D:CD01 The /D does not refer to disk d:, it is simply a label that will be used to link the device driver to the MSCDEX command. Save this file to disk and then reboot the machine with the floppy disk in the drive You must still however type in the following command to make the CD-ROM available after the machine starts up.

Installing Windows 95. And provide your own CD-ROM driver for your own CD-ROM. Windows 95: If you are using. Of course, if you DO have to re-install Windows.

MSCDEX/D:CD01 Note that the label that you supply to the MSCDEX program must be the same as the label that you specified to the device driver in the config.sys file. Note that the above command ‘MSCDEX/D:CD01’ could be entered into a text file called ‘AUTOEXEC.BAT’ if you do this then the command will execute automatically each time the computer reboots. As part of the process of, a hard disk can be divided up into anything from one to four logical hard disk partitions. However even if a hard disk is to be used as a single logical hard disk it must still be partitioned before it can be used.